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One Perfect Night: A Sports Romance Page 2

  Okay, this was even more cool than the wink she’d gotten from Taylor Lautner when she’d been stalled in traffic on Hollywood Boulevard and had glanced over to find him in a car next to her. It wasn’t as if her hotel catered to famous people; it was a solid three point five star place, and while they got some interesting people, it wasn’t as if the rich and famous checked in.

  “I’m a local,” she told Adam, trying to be all cool and calm.

  Okay, it was official, she was getting a little carried away. She sipped her wine, trying to ignore the flutters of excitement taking up residence in her stomach.

  “California girls are the most beautiful,” he told her in a sexy whisper. If he hadn’t been her father’s age plus ten years, she might have melted into a puddle, and as it was, she resembled ice cream on a hot day.

  “We are,” she agreed breezily, trying to ignore the klaxons in her head wailing “Adam Irving is flirting with me. Oh my God.”

  Where had casual, uninterested Julie gone? She missed her and wished she’d return. Because this new, flirtatious Julie was getting herself into trouble. And that wasn’t good. Not. At. All.

  She was so not going to flirt back with someone old enough to be her grandfather. Well, technically. God no, she was not going to do the math!

  “Hey, Adam!” When a voice sounded at Julie’s shoulder, she turned, giving the person interrupting a huge smile.

  And stopped. And stared. Again.

  Hell, she probably swallowed her tongue in the process, as well.

  The guy was more impressive up close.

  “Logan,” Adam said, and all of a sudden he sounded a little wary. Could he know that just by standing here, Logan outclassed him, and Adam wasn’t exactly bad to look at.

  But few were as good looking, as talented, as Logan Morris.

  “Good to see ya again,” Logan continued, as if Julie wasn’t there and she wanted to say something, wanted to demand attention, but she didn’t dare, yet.

  “Is this your daughter? I didn’t realize she was so young.”

  Oooh, burn! Julie was genuinely impressed with the way he’d disarmed any hope of Adam getting lucky, at least with Julie.

  “No,” Adam said shortly, and it was clear he knew he’d been played. Oh well. “I’ll talk with you both later,” he said before hurrying off.

  “Now where were we?” Logan asked, locking his gaze on Julie.

  When he said that, Julie almost full-on melted. His voice was warm and husky, and she could sense amusement there, too.

  “I’m Logan Morris,” he told her, extending his hand. “I didn’t mean to be rude, but I could see Adam casting a line out, hoping he got such a beautiful fish.”

  “Julie,” she replied, her lips curving into a smile. “I think you need to work on your technique though. First you called me young and then a fish.” She shook her head, the realization that she was flirting—well, kind, of—with a football superstar forcing the rest of her witty comment to get stuck in her throat.

  “I think I do too,” he told her with a wink.

  And she melted. That puddle of goo on the floor was her.

  Logan Morris was most definitely, most assuredly, most abso-positively, flirting. With her.

  She gulped her wine down, trying to look anywhere but at him. Football players were players with women, too, and she didn’t need to do anything but be distantly polite with Logan Morris.

  Her gaze finally stalled on him. Now that he was standing close to her, she looked up—and up—into his eyes. Green, which never showed up in photographs well, but even in the harsh light of this extended room, looked crystalline, almost a clear sea-glass she’d never seen before. His curly hair was a little longer than usual, and there was something about him she couldn’t quite describe.

  Something that made her heart race, and her breath stutter in her chest.

  This easy charisma thing he had was dangerous.

  “Let me start again. Hi, I’m Logan and I’m here to rescue you from Adam. He looked like he was moving in on you and I wasn’t sure you wanted that, but if so, Grandpa’s over there. However…” He paused and she looked up at him, waiting him out even though she wanted to squirm, or do something, anything. What did puddles of goo do anyway? Slither?

  Oh yeah, that was a great image. Slithering made her think of two twined bodies, and that made her think of sex with this tall, handsome hunk and…

  “Earth to Julie.”

  She blinked a few times, realizing she’d been daydreaming or fantasizing again. So not like her.

  “Sorry. I’m…it’s just a little…strange.”

  “Strange how?” Logan asked, taking her empty glass from her and handing it to the bartender.

  “A little overwhelmed. So many huge men in one room. You all fight for my eyes’ attention, just by being here, I guess.”

  She didn’t know how to explain it any better. He met her eyes for a long moment and nodded. “Excuse me,” he said to the bartender. “Could we possibly have two plates brought out to the terrace? It’ll be quieter there. Julie, do you have any food allergies?”


  “Is water okay with dinner or would you rather have wine?”

  “Water is fine.”

  “Can you do that for us?” Logan asked, and the bartender nodded quickly.

  “Come on, Julie, let’s eat outside. It is a beautiful night and this place may feel less overwhelming with the evening sky above you.”

  “Okay,” she agreed. Apparently, she would be speaking small phrases in his presence, because Logan was so damn charismatic, he had knocked her brain completely offline.

  His hand pressed against the small of her back, causing her to shiver, as she let him lead her outside, smiling as they passed people who greeted him. And just as he’d promised, she could breathe a little easier outside, with the warm air drifting over her skin. There were several couples and small groups out there, but it was much quieter.

  He led Julie to a small seating area, an all-weather love seat and wicker chair with a small table between them. She took a seat on the wicker chair, her thigh brushing up against his, and then wished she hadn’t, though sitting on the love seat might have caused a little awkwardness between her and Logan. She didn’t need to put herself on offer like that anyway.

  “Tell me about you, Julie.”

  That was…unexpected. In the main room, she’d heard the players recounting this game or that game; it had all seemed to be very focused on who they were and what they were doing. Logan seemed interested in her, or at least his question indicated that.

  “I work at a hotel,” she told him. “Front desk operations, shift manager now.” She gave him a tiny smile. “I got a degree in hotel and restaurant management. I guess I wanted to be a chef, but…” She trailed off and shrugged.

  “I didn’t ask what you do, I want to know who you are.” He was so close, she could feel his warmth radiating through her thigh where they touched.

  “Oh.” It seemed as if every first question in social atmosphere was to find out what everyone did, and usually how it pertained to them and what they could get out of it. Not so with Logan and it made her want to get to know this man and what he was about. She didn’t know him well enough to have a read on who he was as a person but she suspected that he was genuinely interested in her.

  “I’m an LA boy,” he said, filling the silence. “My sister and I have a great bond and my niece gave me a goldfish for Christmas. I send her photos of “Fishyface” every day. My dad teaches at UCLA, so he was thrilled that I chose to go there. My mom is a pathetic cook, so Mom and Dad have every restaurant in a three mile radius on speed dial. Your turn.”

  “I’m an LA girl,” she replied. “My folks are happily married. Dad works on a cruise ship; he’s an entertainer. Mom is a school librarian. I have a sister I barely see anymore, and I’m a horrible green thumb, but I love to make desserts.”

  “Julie, you sound perfect to me.”

nbsp; Chapter 3

  Logan couldn’t believe how compatible he and Julie were. They’d talked their way through dinner, had danced a few times, and she’d leaned against him while the football reel had run. She’d given him the space he needed to talk to his now-former teammates, but had stood close enough that he could meet her gaze, whenever things got tough. That initial spark was turning into a burning need.

  And things did get tough in the room. Saying goodbye was a huge bitch, especially when he loved the people so much.

  Logan asked Julie to ride the elevator down with him, not really sure why he didn’t want to part with her yet. Belle had said she was leaving with one of the players—no name mentioned, but it had to be Hank or Jordan, Logan thought. Julie had already arranged a ride home on her Uber app on her phone. Logan had offered to drive her, but had gotten a solid “no thanks” in return. He understood. They’d just met, she didn’t want to give her address away.

  As the elevator doors opened and they stepped inside, Logan decided to make his move. He cupped Julie’s delicate face in his hands, pressing his lips to hers gently. She stiffened, and then relaxed, her body uncoiling its knots, her mouth soft and welcoming for his.

  Logan kept the kiss light and gentle, though he wanted to give her more passion. When her hands wrapped around his neck, his cock tightened against his suit pants. He thought about driving his cock into her warmth and almost gave up his self-control. But he kept it reigned in. He wanted…everything. But not in semi-public, and sure as hell not in a public elevator. He wouldn’t disrespect her like that. Julie was special and he wanted to savor every moment he had with her.

  When they broke apart, she was panting, her lips shiny and glossy, her eyes dreamy. Logan stroked his thumb down her cheekbone, admiring her smooth skin. “Come home with me,” he whispered.

  “I…I don’t know.”

  “I don’t usually do this either,” he told her. Not anymore, he added silently. “We don’t even…have to.” Logan might have wanted it, but he wouldn’t push Julie. If this was just him holding her all night and nursing his own arousal, he could do that. There was something about this woman that was unlike anyone he’d ever known, and he wanted more of it.

  The elevator doors opened and Logan followed Julie to a small sitting area in the lobby. He sat beside her and hunched down a little, hoping to hide his erection and not garner any attention from passers-by.

  “What are you looking for?” she asked him, “With me, I mean.” The direct question surprising him a bit. It was usually him asking that question.

  “I don’t know,” he admitted. He had to be honest here or risk driving her away. Logan didn’t know how he knew that, but he did, as surely as he knew his heart was getting involved. “More time with you.”

  “We can do that in daylight,” she replied. He believed her, but there was such a wistful smile on her face.

  “Or we could do that now.” It was a chance he was taking, and he knew it. Julie wasn’t the type for one night stands with celebrities. He knew that from talking to her; and moreover a gut feeling that she was different from the other women. She hadn’t asked much about his game or his career and had seemed completely unfazed and uninterested by the excesses at the party. After a while, a guy got to understand what a gold digger looked like, and the sports groupies always made themselves known well before the sexual discussion got started.

  “Logan…” She closed her eyes, and he watched her swallow hard. “Okay. Yes, okay.”

  “You’re sure?” he asked quietly, heart pounding.

  “Yes. Very.”


  Julie was quiet as Logan drove to his house in Beverly Hills, the silence in the car relaxing. Logan turned on some music and watched as she hummed. She seemed a little carried away by everything, so Logan was more than ready to let her ride things out and work out whatever she needed to do.

  This was pretty foreign to them both; he hadn’t been a player in so long. He hadn't been romantically involved with a woman since college. In fact, the last woman who had entered his house was his maid, and before that, his mother. Yeah, exciting life he led, wasn’t it?

  When Logan thumbed the code that would open his gate, and he pulled up to his home, he wondered what Julie would think of his place. It was large enough for his needs, and it was also his and there was no way he would let it go. He might move to Des Moines, but his home would stay his. It would be an off-season sanctuary.

  “Nice,” Julie whispered, stepping out of the car and looking up at his house. It wasn’t huge by LA standards, but it was perfect. Probably a bit too big for one guy, but someday maybe he’d raise a family in it. He could imagine the pitter patter of little feet, the sounds of children laughing.

  The ache to be a family man took him by surprise sometimes.

  “You’re beautiful,” he told her, taking her hand. “It aches how beautiful you are.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. The moonlight gave her an ethereal look, making her seem almost dreamlike. If he was a casting director, he would have filmed her just like this, her chin tipped up, an expectant look on her face.

  Logan leaned in, cupping her cheeks and kissing her again. This kiss started out sweet and gentle, and when her mouth opened to his, he tangled his tongue with hers in rising passion. Logan reached into the golden mass of Julie’s hair and pulled the combs out, allowing it to flow down. Julie scrabbled at his jacket, seeming to want him to yank it off. Not yet.

  “Inside, I take it?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow. She nodded, and Logan extended a hand, feeling a little exhilarated. He closed the gate and activated his perimeter alarm system before escorting her inside.

  Julie stopped in the foyer, where the staircase curled up, a custom-made print on the wall. She walked over to the grand piano, not that he played any more, but he loved to tinker, and stared down at Fishyface.

  “Is this your pet?”

  “Myra saved up her allowance to get Fishyface for me. She’s a great kid.”

  “Sounds it.” Julie wrapped her arms around her torso, and seemed a little nervous.

  “Wine?” Logan asked, realizing he probably sounded more like Adam than himself.

  “Now that sounds like a good idea,” she replied, a little smile on her face. Sometimes she seemed uncertain, but then her confidence bled through, and her body language opened up. She was an interesting puzzle.

  Logan motioned Julie toward his kitchen and laughed when she gasped. Everyone—even his mother, who had a gourmet kitchen of her own—loved the warm atmosphere of the kitchen/sunroom. He watched Julie walk slowly around the room, taking in the floor to ceiling windows, the nook that he often used to rewatch plays, the shiny appliances that blended well with the cabinets and floors.

  “This is amazing,” Julie said, drifting toward the wine fridge he’d had installed just before move in. Logan kept some of his better wines in the wine cellar, but anything he thought could be used quickly sat in the wine fridge.

  “May I?” she asked, and when he nodded, she opened it up, selecting a fantastic Napa red from the fridge. He uncorked it, let it breathe, and turned on some music.

  “This is my favorite area of the house,” he told her. “My sister and I grew up doing homework at the kitchen table, and I tried to bring a little of that atmosphere here. He poured their wine and they clinked glasses, sipping slowly, the silence comfortable.

  An upbeat song faded into a slow romantic one, and Logan put his glass on the counter, reaching for her hand. “Dance with me.”


  He had to be the most perfect man ever, Julie thought. Logan pulled her into his arms—his strong, capable arms, and she melted against him, the solid strength of his hand in hers grounding her. Though only her body, her heart was somewhere past cloud nine.

  Julie allowed her head to drift onto Logan’s chest and she listened to his heartbeat, mingling with the strains of the song. Logan was humming it under his breath.

  He s
melled so good, spicy, and woodsy, not pretentious at all like some of the colognes made men seem. He was approachable and amazing and she couldn’t believe she’d found him at a stupid party she’d gone to with a man crazy friend.

  Julie knew how this night would end—or at least she hoped she did. He was so perfectly amazing; he seemed interested in her, not her larger than average breasts, not the fact that she was pretty—why not own that instead of demurring that she wasn’t—not what she did, but as he’d said, who she was.

  No guy in the history of time had ever started a conversation like that, did they?

  And being near, feeling his gentle strength as she swayed in his arms was divine, making her body come alive after so long.

  “Let me take you upstairs,” he whispered, his breath ruffling strands of her hair that were lying on her neck. That caress of air made her tremble. She was a ball of sexual need and if he did just the smallest thing, she might implode. Explode. Something-plode.

  Julie pulled back from him, studying his face. “Please,” she whispered, tightening her grip on his hand. She wanted this, as crazy as it was, as uncharacteristic as it was.

  She needed Logan.

  He nodded, and she followed him up the staircase, leaving the wine behind. Someone would have to clean that up later, Julie thought, watching his perfect hard butt as he climbed the stairs. She was sure his bedroom would be just as magnificent as the rest of his home, a mix of traditional and modern, masculine warmth in every room.

  She didn’t much care for the décor right now, not when she had this great, big, powerful man ready to take her to places she hadn’t even known she’d wanted to go earlier today. She’d fully expected that she’d be the one driving Belle’s car home and then picking her up the next day. But not…this.

  Chapter 4

  Julie was in a daze, as Logan stripped off his sport coat as soon as they got into the room. He flipped on the light and as her eyes adjusted to the room, he crossed it, pulling her into his arms. He was so massive, so huge, that she felt tiny and delicate in his arms. She pressed closer, feeling how aroused he was, and acknowledging to herself how aroused she was in response. Her own panties were wet with need. She shivered and closed her eyes.