One Perfect Night: A Sports Romance Read online

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  His mouth crashed down on hers, passion unleashed as he made love to her with his mouth. His hands caressed her shoulders, ran down her sides and squeezed her ass. Julie gasped, the coil of need between her thighs tightening. He didn’t touch her breasts, which was unexpected, but nice. She was sure he would explore those in detail soon.

  But not now. Not when she was soaking him in, her body readying for what she desperately needed.

  “Please, Logan,” she whispered, pulling back to stare into his eyes, grazing her nails over the shirt against his sculpted chest. His gaze was hazy, his lips a little swollen. “Please…”

  Logan nodded, trembling hands yanking his tie off. He was shaking so badly that undoing the buttons on his shirt was a struggle, so Julie helped, their fingers fumbling together as inch by inch of his glorious chest were exposed. Tantalizingly slowly.

  As soon as the shirt was parted, Julie slid her hands down Logan’s muscled biceps, taking his shirt along with them.

  “Cuffs, sweetheart.”

  Duh! Julie had somehow forgotten that in the haze of staring at that oh-so-gorgeous muscular torso. Unlike most men, Julie knew this muscle had been built up through a combination of work and gym effort.

  A tiny bit of golden brown hair dusted his pecs, the finest line traveling over his abs, breaking over his outie belly button, and them merging again to form a fine line to where his arousal was tenting out his dress pants.

  “They call this a treasure trail,” she whispered, fingers stroking over his skin. “And I think I know why.”

  “You do?”

  She looked up at him and nodded, torn between trying to be the seductress he probably expected, and her normal sexually-limited self. Logan undid his cuffs and let the shirt drop to the ground. “Why do they call it a treasure trail, Julie?”

  “Because of what they find at the end. Kind of like a pot of gold at the rainbow, but this gift keeps giving and giving.”

  He threw his head back and laughed, and Julie giggled right along. She bit her lip, wondering where this was going next. Her former sexual experiences had usually been with the guy stripping her clothes off quickly. Logan seemed to be savoring this, and Julie was a little unsure.

  “May I?” he asked, motioning to her dress. Oh good, that was perfect. Julie turned, lifting her hair out of the way, and Logan’s fingers, then his mouth, traced over her nape.

  Julie whimpered, shifting from foot to foot, her need and desire growing. Logan opened her dress slowly, kissing his way down her back until the dress was fully undone, and her panties were exposed. Which ones had she worn, Julie wondered, racking her arousal-addled brain.

  Please not the torn ones, please not the…

  “Beautiful,” he whispered, his fingers skimming over her backside. And she remembered. The cobalt blue bikinis, made of a silky cotton blend and purchased as a whim. When she’d slid them on today, she could never have imagined…

  Logan kissed her gently at the base of her spine and her legs trembled. Her dress was held loosely on her, by the arms and the fabric against her hips. He kissed her spine again and she closed her eyes, awash in a sea of something she couldn’t identify and didn’t understand.

  How was it that she was so attracted to this man, after so little time in his presence? She wasn’t the sort of girl to just sleep with a man like this. But Logan wasn’t just any man. In the past several hours, she’d gotten to know him, and she liked what she saw, what she felt him emanating. It wasn’t just charisma—other guys had that—there was something that spoke to her on a deeper level, one that showed how he connected with her in a way no man ever had before. It didn't seem to matter that they'd only met a few hours ago.

  “Please make love to me,” she whispered. Julie felt silly saying it, but realized she meant the words. She had no interest in being a casual one night stand, but would take it, if that's all they had.

  She wanted the sex to mean something to them both. She wasn’t a virgin, and she knew there was no way Logan was, but that didn’t mean that the first time with another person wasn’t special. Even though her physical virginity was not at issue, her emotional heart was, and that meant something. It would always mean something.

  “I will,” Logan whispered. “I want to make this night unforgettable.”

  She felt him standing up to press another kiss at the back of her neck. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, squeezing her tight, then he released her and pulled her dress down her arms.

  Once it was free, it slithered down her body to pool at her feet. Julie stepped out of it, and turned to look at Logan and that torso she had admired gleamed in the light of the room; he dominated the space, calling her attention to him.

  Julie moved in close, trying for more confidence than she actually had, and undid his belt slowly, pulling the tail through the buckle. He was straining his pants and was so obviously aroused that she swallowed hard, the truth coming home. She was going to have sex with a virtual stranger and she wanted it.

  She really wanted it.

  “Everything okay?” Logan asked softly, brushing her hair back.

  “Oh yeah,” she replied, reaching up to give him a gentle kiss. She pulled his head down to hers and opened her mouth, allowing him entry. He probed his way inside her mouth, kissing her tenderly, a promise of passion and tenderness all wrapped up together.

  When they broke apart, she swayed, looking up at him. His belt was partially undone and his hard cock had been pressing against her and it had been wonderful, just this side of heaven.

  Julie sat on the edge of the bed, watching avidly as Logan pulled off first one shoe and then the other, balancing with more grace than she would have imagined such a big man had.

  He unbuckled his dress pants and they fell to the ground, weighed down probably by his wallet. Logan stepped out of them, stretching, looking at her. His black briefs were molded to his body and his aroused cock stood out proudly mounding them. She whimpered. She couldn’t help it. The black fabric against his tanned skin was beautiful and the promise of what he had to share was a heady thing for her.

  Logan came closer and looked down at her. She couldn’t quite make out his expression, but she smiled up at him, and he brushed her hair again, this time fingering the strands and brushing them over her upper chest. Her suddenly very, very stimulated upper chest. The gentle caress of her hair on the upper swells of her breasts was as beautiful as it was tender, and when Logan moved to unbuckle her bra, Julie sighed with the sheer romanticism of it—and lust. She watched him, passive, as he skimmed her bra down her arms and dropped to one knee, admiring her close up.

  “You are so beautiful,” Logan whispered, kissing first one nipple and then the other, his touches reverent. She’d never been handled so delicately, especially not be a man with his height and strength and power. His tenderness almost broke her apart, but she hung on to her emotions and focused her attention on him.

  He was so beautiful himself, and the way he made her feel was indescribable. She could fall for this man without a second thought, without even thinking too hard about his career and who he was on a football field. And that scared her; nobody could or should get that close that soon.

  Julie started to pull back, but Logan extended a hand and drew her to her feet. “I know,” he said and she was sure he could read her thoughts.

  “How can you?”

  “I feel it too.”

  That seemed impossible to Julie; there was no way he could feel the swell of emotions she had for him. Surely, it was too soon to call it love? So impossible when he could have any woman he wanted. How could he want her?

  Logan rested his hands on her back, just holding her, their breathing the only sound in the quiet room. He ran his hands slowly up and down her back.

  There was a thread of self confidence and arrogance at his tone that made her hold her breath. This was what he projected on the field and in interviews.

  What was she doing? Julie stiffened and consider
ed leaving. This was silly—Logan was an NFL superstar and she was just Julie. Not famous at all.

  “Shh. Don’t think about anything but this moment.”

  Logan smoothed his hands up and down Julie’s back, and she let out a small sound of need, of want. Her body wanted this, as well as her mind and heart.

  “This moment is about you...and me.”

  Julie tipped her head back, looking into his eyes, searching his face for...what? She didn’t know.

  “Do you take all your dates here?” she asked finally and inwardly winced. Way to kill a moment. That was exactly the wrong thing to say. Why did it matter if he had a bunch of lovers?

  “No. I'm not seeing anyone else and I've never brought a date here before.” He frowned and added, “And I’m clean, in case you're wondering. I have the paperwork…”

  Were they really discussing this. “I…”

  “You're on the Pill?”

  Julie nodded.

  “Shh. Close your eyes and just let this happen.”

  Logan soothed her slowly with gentle strokes up and down her back and Julie finally settled against him, her head on his chest. She listened to his heartbeat, so smooth and so sure, and melted against him, snuggling in, the tension dissipating, arousal rising again.

  He felt so perfect against her, his hard cock trapped between them.

  “I need you,” Logan said in a whisper. “I’m going to lay you down on the bed.”

  Julie swallowed hard and nodded.

  Logan lifted her as if she weighed nothing and eased her down onto the bed, looming up over her. She closed her eyes, wanting this moment to be as magical as possible. It probably wasn’t for him, but that was okay with her.

  He kissed a nipple, while his fingers traced the other, sending a wave of pleasure through her body. They hardened under his expert touch. She gasped and arched into him when he gently sucked, the pleasure rippling through her body and intensifying between her thighs.

  Then, he trailed kisses and licks down her body, all the way to her belly button.

  “Please, Logan.” Her body burned, ached for more.

  He helped her wiggle out of her cobalt panties and then took off his own black briefs. He was absolutely magnificent to look at in his state of arousal.

  He spread her thighs, pressing his cock against her wet folds. “I want you, so much.”

  Julie's hands cupped each side of his face. “I want you too.”

  Logan entered her slowly, gently and Julie cried out with the pure pleasure of being joined with him, her body holding his close. Julie wrapped her legs around his waist, the walls of her pussy gripping around his cock in pure pleasure. He thrust it slowly in and out of her as though each movement was measured for maximum burning desire.

  He was massive, but his size and breadth didn’t worry her. Instead, she reveled in how he held his strength and power in check. She held him tighter, as the pressure to release rose within her.

  When she arched her hips into him with each thrust, he moved faster, driving her crazy, the feel of his chest against her stimulating her nipples just enough, pushing her closer to the edge.

  “Logan! Logan!” Julie cried out, she was so close.

  With the next thrust, Julie cried out again, clenching him with her inner walls, her arms twining around him as he pitched her over the edge.

  “Julie!” Logan shuddered, as his own body pitched over the edge inside of her.

  Chapter 5

  A phone ringing dragged Julie out of her sleepy state. Logan had fallen asleep with her, his arm around her waist protectively. She glanced over to the nightstand, just as the phone went to voicemail.

  Julie didn’t know why she reached out and lifted the phone up, but when she was all the text message on his lock screen, a sick feeling overtook her. They were all from women.

  Brenda: Hey, baby, want to get together. I’m naked and waiting.

  Nicolette: Logan, I miss you. Want to get together for some FWB time?

  Vanessa: Hi, baby. Do you miss my body wrapped around yours?

  Carlie: Logan, you left before I could get a kiss, or more?

  Julie stopped scrolling then, a sick feeling coming over her. He’d said he wasn't seeing anyone else. He’d told her…

  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  She swallowed hard, wrenched out of her fantasy world. Yes, it was far too good to be true. Why would a football superstar want a very average admin assistant anyway? She couldn’t shake that what they’d had was real, but she also couldn’t deny what she was reading.

  Maybe Logan was like that with all the girls.

  Maybe she was just another notch in his bedpost, someone to be friendly with for a night, but that was all.

  She couldn’t do this, couldn’t stay here for the awkward morning after conversation. Then again, she couldn’t deal with the questions from Belle, but she could avoid her friend all too easily. By next weekend, Belle would be wrapped up in her own things. Julie just needed to get to that point.

  Julie dressed slowly, trying not to look over at Logan, who was sound asleep. At least she could slip out and...where was his key? Didn’t he have a remote to open the gate? She could easily get an Uber or Lyft driver, but they’d have to get inside. Or better, she could go outside and wait for them on the street.

  She felt lower than low; she’d never done the walk of shame before. After she dressed and located his keys, she opened the gate remotely, got a driver organized from her cell phone application, and walked outside his house and the gate, waiting on the street.

  It was early morning and the exclusive neighborhood was fairly quiet. A few dog walkers took in her appearance with a significant look, and there was one B-grade actor childhood star walking with his kids who gave her a double take, but thank god there was no sign of any celebrity gossip reporters or photographers. Sure, there could be long-distance lenses and things like that, but she didn’t honestly think Logan was that popular with the tabloid press.

  She’d just go home, live out her comfortable little life, and forget this night ever happened. It didn’t matter that she’d kind of fallen for Logan; he was the wrong guy in a different realm from her and things had to stay the way they were. Once had to be enough.

  Chapter 6

  Six Weeks Later…

  Logan was in a bad mood and he really didn’t care who knew it. The move to Des Moines had been okay, but it was clear he had philosophical differences with the coaching staff. It’d all work out if he was patient, but he wasn’t. His clock was ticking; more and more Logan felt as if his football career was on very borrowed time. Not only did he have his shoulder to contend with, he couldn’t get Julie out of his head.

  Logan still couldn’t understand how she’d walked out of his bed and life. When he’d awoken to find her gone and the gate open, something in his heart shriveled up. As crazy as it was, he’d never met a woman like her, someone he’d fallen for so immediately, someone he was thinking of a life together with, as insane as that was.

  But she’d left him. Logan had tried to reach her.

  All he had to go on was a gorgeous blonde named Julie. He didn’t know where she lived, or where she worked. He didn’t even know what occupation she held.

  The people at Sports World Daily had no Julie on staff, and he’d called all the offices in the building. When that hadn’t panned out, he’d researched Belle’s education and tried to find a Julie in her high school or college graduating classes. He'd even found a picture of Julie with Belle online, but there were no other details other than her first name. If she had an online presence it was hidden.

  That had provided tons of Julies, but not his.

  He was able to gets Belle’s number and contact her. She’d been sent on an assignment for her publication and hadn’t been answering calls. Logan had left a couple of messages for her at her office, and waited.

  No calls from Julie came. Did Belle get his messages and pass them on? Did he imagine he shared a connection,
a bond with Julie? The doubts crept in and it broke his heart wondering if he'd got it all wrong.

  And then Logan had left for Des Moines. He’d been on his own to get an apartment set up, to move his things, the works. His days were spent rehabbing his shoulder, getting to know the coaches and other players.

  And missing Julie. Her voice, her laugh, her touch, her body. The way they'd made love.

  There was no way she could have—should have—left an impression on his soul, but she had.

  Every time his phone beeped with a new email or constant stream of text messages from girls he barely knew, wanting to get lucky, Logan held his breath. And when every nervous swipe of his phone, or every nervous listen of his voicemail brought forth no information, he got more frustrated. Logan would have changed his number, but he thought—hoped—Belle had given Julie his cell number, and he wasn’t ready to break that connection, as imaginary as it might be, with her.

  How was it that he’d found a girl, had fallen for her, and lost her, all in the span of a single night.

  It wasn’t fair, but fate and life usually weren’t.

  Logan stretched, his shoulder protesting. This injury was going to take a lot of recovery time. He hoped the starting quarterback position would still be there when he was a hundred percent. If it wasn’t, he’d have taken a chance and lost something else very important. Logan wasn’t ready to retire, even if his body was whispering for him to hang it up.

  Not happening. He’d taken a chance and come to the Midwest, and he was going to do his best. Despite the shoulder that looked like it needed surgical intervention. He was flying home for a medical consult and all he could think of was Julie, not Myra, who was watching Fishyface for him. Not his mom and dad, not even Dara, his sister.